Project Love is New Life’s direct financial assistance programme, providing interim assistance for immediate needs.
The Casework and Counselling (CWC) team comprises social workers and counsellors, trained under programmes recognized by Singapore Association of Social Workers (SASW) and Singapore Association for Counselling (SAC). We are passionate about serving the community through case management and counselling, and journeying with our clients through their challenging life circumstances.
CWC is committed to bringing out the strengths of our clients, with a strong conviction that they can create impact in their community. We approach clients with passion and compassion, helping them to move forward with better self-development and disposition in life.
Project Love is New Life’s direct financial assistance programme, providing interim assistance for immediate needs.
We provide counselling and casework management for children, preteens and youths, as well as their families.
We conduct groupwork with secondary school–aged youths as well as children from New Life Student Care centres.