In loving children by mentoring them to become champions in life, we aim to build their character foundation, support children in their learning and wholesome development as well as reach out and intervene for children with needs.

We also believe in fostering strong partnerships with the various stakeholders such as parents, schools, volunteers and relevant organisations in the fulfilment of our mission.

Through our programmes which are catered for K2 to P4 children, we celebrate children and empower lives where each of them is engaged, equipped and enriched through teaching, coaching and mentoring.

Our Programmes

Steady readers

Since 2006, Steady Readers Programme (SR) is an intervention programme for children who are reading below their academic level.

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Kids champ club

Through fun and intentionally planned experiential activities, Kids Champ Club Programme (KCC) aims to impart good character values in children and provide opportunities for them to put into practice.

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P.A.N.D.A. Champs

P.A.N.D.A Champs is an acronym for Perseverance, Acts of Love, eNcouragement, Discipline and Accepting Differences.

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This mentoring programme seeks to help children succeed in school and life by providing them with the support required to achieve their potential. Open to selected children currently enrolled in our programmes, staff will meet up with the child one-to-one. With each session, staff will journey with the child, provide support and guidance and also be a role model to them.

At the end of the mentoring journey, we hope that the children will develop good character values and healthy self-esteem, leading to strong positive relationships with their families, teachers, friends and communities.

Contact Us

419 Fajar Road #01-499
Singapore 670419