Through fun and intentionally planned experiential activities, Kids Champ Club Programme (KCC) aims to impart good character values in children and provide opportunities for them to put into practice what they have learnt during the sessions. We believe that with the mentoring and guidance of their volunteer-mentors, children can become good role models at home and in school.


KCC aims for children to…


  • Possess good character values
  • Develop positive self-esteem
  • Discover their potentials
  • Cope with socio-emotional issues


Sat: 3pm – 5pm


P1 to P4
*Parent interview will be conducted to assess the child’s suitability


$20 (non-refundable)


Fajar Youth Hub:
Blk 419 Fajar Road,
Singapore 670419


Woods Square:
Woods Square Tower 2,
6 Woodlands Square, #03-01,
Singapore 737737

Keen to volunteer for this programme? Volunteer