P.A.N.D.A Champs is an acronym for Perseverance, Acts of Love, eNcouragement, Discipline and Accepting Differences.


It is a character programme designed for students from New Life Student Care to help them develop desirable traits, foster good relationships, set goals and make good decisions. It also seeks to increase children’s self-awareness, improve their interaction with family, friends and others as well as provide opportunities for them to accept responsibilities.


P.A.N.D.A Champs aims for children to…


  • Develop discipline
    and self-control
  • Learn to be patient with one another and persevere
  • Show love and care for themselves and others
  • Be gracious and appreciative


  • June & Nov/Dec school holidays
  • Tue & Thu: 10am – 12pm


P1 to P4




New Life Student Care Centre

(Bukit Panjang, Teck Whye, Woodlands)

Keen to volunteer for this programme? Volunteer