Many thanks for your dedication and effort in training my daughters for their year-end performances. Rachel was elated when she was given a line in the musical. She had practised very hard, roping me in to take on different roles as she narrated the whole musical. My husband and I loved the superbly planned musical. It was very heartening for me to see Melody performing her best in front of a big audience. She is naturally reserved but was confident on stage and that could only be due to her teachers’ encouragement and patience with her throughout the year. Both my girls love school and always shares joyfully about the many interesting things they have done, learnt or discovered at school -for instance, when the caterpillar that Rachel’s class had kept turned into a cocoon and then a butterfly! Thank you for the many opportunities you provided them to gain confidence in both speaking and reading. Rachel is now able to converse, sing and recall in Mandarin and has grown to be more responsible due to her teachers’ mentoring.
Yan Ni
Mother of Rachel & Melody
from New Life Childcare